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Sicily, Italy
Wed, 24 May 2023
1 minute

Mount Etna Eruption

by Bing

A short text about Mount Etna's eruption with a focus on geological aspects.

Geological Aspects

Eruption of Mount Etna at night, pictured in 2017
Eruption of Mount Etna at night, pictured in 2017

Mount Etna is an active volcano on the east coast of Sicily. Its topmost elevation is about 10,900 feet (3,320 metres) and it has been active since the end of the Neogene Period (i.e., for about the past 2.6 million years). The volcano has had more than one active centre and a number of subsidiary cones have been formed on lateral fissures extending out from the centre and down the sides .

Mount Etna consists of two edifices: an ancient shield volcano at its base, and the younger Mongibello stratovolcano, which was built on top of the shield. The basaltic shield volcano eruptions began about 500,000 years ago, while the stratovolcano began forming about 35,000 years ago from more trachytic lavas .

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Prompt (Bing)

Write a text about the current erruption of Mount Etna; focus on geological aspects and include background information. Provide your response in JSON format, structured like in the example, provided at the end of this prompt. Additionally Follow instructions given in READ_ME, which is included in the example.Example output: {1. Change the value of this object (READ_ME) to null in your response; 2. Don't modify objects with the value null; 3. Don't write references to sources (i.e: ) in 'md', include them in 'sources' instead; 4. In 'md', write instead of showing a linebreak; 5. 'md' should have beetween 200 and 300 words, while no paraprah has more than 100 words","sources":[{"name":"Name of first source the text is based on","url":""},{"name":"Name of second source the text is based on","url":""}],"md":"# catchy main title ## a subtitle (note: include at least one subtitle; the first subtitle must follow direclty after the h1 header - no paragraph in between) new paragraph formated in markdown(.md) another paragraph, don't include references to sources in paragraphs one more paragraph." , "date":"today's date, i.e. 2023-05-24","lang_code":"2-digit language code in which the text is written","article_description":"A short summary (between 20 and 40 words) of the text generated in 'md'","meta_title":"Meta title, apply SEO best practices","meta_description":"Meta description, apply SEO best practices","og_title":"og:title, apply SEO best practices","og_description":"og:description apply SEO best practices","reading_time":"Time in minutes a average reader needs to read the article","slug":"A slug which can be used as part of a URL, i.e.: h1-title-of-this-text","region":"Region or city depicted or described in the content.","country":"Country in which the region is located","cords":["coordinates of the region depicted or described in the content, in in geojson format. I.e.: 12.22, 22,444"],"sections":null,"title":null}

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