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Guam, United States
Thu, 25 May 2023
1 minute

Typhoon Mawar hits Guam

by Bing

Typhoon Mawar hit Guam as a powerful Category 4 storm, causing high winds, heavy rains and a dangerous storm surge.

Background Information

Typhoon Mawar barrelled into Guam as a powerful Category 4 storm Wednesday, pummelling the U.S. Pacific territory with high winds, heavy rains and a dangerous storm surge that swamped low-lying areas as residents hunkered down in homes and shelters . Super Typhoon Mawar struck the northern edge of Guam with winds of 140 mph, lashing rain and lightning, cutting power to most of the island .

Nature's fury - stock photo of clouds
Nature's fury - stock photo of clouds

Guam residents and officials emerged from homes and shelters Thursday to survey the damage done to the U.S. Pacific territory after a long night of hunkering down as Typhoon Mawar’s howling winds shredded trees . The powerful Typhoon Mawar that lashed Guam on Thursday has interrupted travel and tropical island life for residents and U.S. military members in one of the nation’s most remote territories .

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Prompt (Bing)

Write a text about the Typhoon Mawar in Guam from a geological perspective; include background information. Provide your response in JSON format, structured like in the example, provided at the end of this prompt. Additionally Follow instructions given in READ_ME, which is included in the example.Example output: {"READ_ME": "1. Change the value of this object (READ_ME) to null in your response; 2. Don't modify objects with the value null; 3. Don't write references to sources (i.e: ) in 'md', include them in 'sources' instead; 4. In 'md', write instead of showing a linebreak; 5. 'md' should have beetween 200 and 300 words, while no paraprah has more than 100 words","sources":[{"name":"Name of first source the text is based on","url":""},{"name":"Name of second source the text is based on","url":""}],"md":"# catchy main title ## a subtitle (note: include at least one subtitle; the first subtitle must follow direclty after the h1 header - no paragraph in between) new paragraph formated in markdown(.md) another paragraph, don't include references to sources in paragraphs one more paragraph." , "date":"today's date, i.e. 2023-05-24","lang_code":"2-digit language code in which the text is written","article_description":"A short summary (between 20 and 40 words) of the text generated in 'md'","meta_title":"Meta title, apply SEO best practices","meta_description":"Meta description, apply SEO best practices","og_title":"og:title, apply SEO best practices","og_description":"og:description apply SEO best practices","reading_time":"Time in minutes a average reader needs to read the article","slug":"A slug which can be used as part of a URL, i.e.: h1-title-of-this-text","region":"Region or city depicted or described in the content.","country":"Country in which the region is located","cords":["coordinates of the region depicted or described in the content, in in geojson format. I.e.: 12.22, 22,444"],"sections":null,"title":null}

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